Curious about SPARK Storytellers?
Dive into our video and catch a sampling of past stories- real stories by real people in your community. Next, join us as we share our stories of Adventure in our first SPARK Storytelling event of the season at 7 PM on Friday, September 29th. Admission is $10 and can be made HERE or at the door. Season Subscribers may use their Flex Passes for this event. Let the stories begin!
SPARK (Storytelling to Promote Acceptance, Respect & Kindness) is a Stage Left community outreach effort to promote the art of oral storytelling in Northeast Ohio and share personal stories that reflect the unique struggles and successes of the community. This project was made possible by a very generous donation from the Ohio Arts Council in 2022 which helped us launch SPARK by funding a coaching staff and resource development. Since that time, Stage Left Players have forged ahead with our Storytelling initiative and we’ve scheduled four events throughout our 2023-2024 season. Our community has embraced SPARK.
Artistic Director, Kandy Cleland explains, “A caring family. A caring community. Both begin when we share and listen to each other’s stories. We’re experiencing that joy at the Trinity Playhouse through SPARK.”