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Congrats to the cast of 29 talented singer-actor-dancers who auditioned for our JR/SR High show. Rehearsals begin Saturday, December 7th from 1-2:30 PM.

Please make sure to attend. We will hand out rehearsal materials at this time, and get to know who's who in the cast. Everyone plays a vital role in telling Elle's story. Thank you for your positive energy and support as we put the show together.

CLICK HERE to see the cast list!

You've been waiting to sign up, right? Well, here you go! Complete this form to let our directors, Kandy Cleland and Jodine Pilmer know WHEN you are coming to auditions and WHAT you will be singing. Prepare for success! Sing and ACT a song you are SUPER familiar with. And bring that sheet music with you if it's something that is not from the show- or let Jodine know and she MIGHT have it in her music library.

We are looking for 20-24 young people grades 7-12 who LOVE theatre and want to spend a lot of time rehearsing over their holiday break. We will begin rehearsing the first week of December.

Please join us as we launch our season fundraising campaign with a “Raise a Glass” Fundraiser for the Trinity Playhouse on Saturday, October 19th at 7 PM. The SLP Board has set this season’s capital improvement goal at $20,000 with plans to resurface and paint the stucco portions of the building, and create community landscaping that will include seating.

Tickets are $25 and include 6 wine tastings and can be purchased online HERE !

During the evening, additional tasting tickets may be purchased for $3 each or 4 for $10. For more information, email or call 330-831-7249.

Resident Artistic Director, Kandy Cleland announced, “We feel such gratitude to our community, local businesses and friends who donated generously so that we could get the new roof in place. In July 2018, our K-8 kids led the charge when they made the first $2000 donation to get us rolling. Moving forward, we want to beautify our playhouse exterior to join in the amazing renaissance of downtown Lisbon.”

The Stage Left Board anticipates that the Wine, Cheese & Chocolate Event with Chinese Auction will give them the boost they need to reinvent the playhouse exterior in the spring.

Heidelberg Distributors will supply the wine and expertise.

Paul Dahman and his improvisational group, The Dinner Theatre Rejects will provide entertainment throughout the evening.

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