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Welcome to the 1985 Jazzercise Convention held at Paladin Brewing in Austintown where the King of Jazzercise- Richard Skimmons will face off with challenger, Jane Fronda. Jane claims she has the “fab abs and fun buns'' to take his title- and she just might. Frankly, Richard’s out of shape, out of money and out of his mind with his step-mommy, 7000 Club televangelist Tammy Fay wearing him out with “private lessons” while her son, Derrick pushes him too hard during his fitness training.

Will Richard retain his crown? Or Will Jane Fronda or Derrick steal “Little Dick’s” place in the coveted centerfold of “Ultimate Waistline”? Join Fitness Guru Tony LaFonte, Jazzercise Judge and see for yourself at 2 pm Sunday, August 21st at Paladin Brewing, 6520 Mahoning Ave Suite 300, Youngstown, OH 44515.

Hey, y’all! Who bakes the BEST Red Velvet Cake in Lisbon, Ohio? You'll be the judge when our cast takes the stage Saturdays and Sundays, September 24 & 25, and October 1, 2, 8 & 9, 2022.

Laugh with us as these talented folks serve it up for the first show of our 30th Season! Kari Beil directs “The Red Velvet Cake War” - a crazy comedy by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope & Jamie Wooten.

The story follows Gaynelle, Peaches and Jimmie Wyvette, who are determined to host the Verdeen family reunion despite the gossip and pending arrest of Gaynelle who accidentally crashed her minivan through the bedroom wall of her husband’s girlfriend’s doublewide. While the neighbor’s pet devours everything edible, a one-eyed suitor shows up to declare his love, and a jaw-dropping high-stakes wager is made on who bakes the best red velvet cake.

Our Kidz on Braodway 2022 kidz campers worked and played hard for two weeks of musical theatre camp where they learned the music, lyrics and choreo to TWENTY SONGS! They designed costumes and sets, played theatre and improv games, and used their bodies, voices and imaginations to create characters. All of that culminates in a weekend of performances- 7 PM Friday and Saturday, July 29 & 30 and 2 PM Sunday, July 31, 2022! Thank you to the Ohio Arts Council, The Fraternal Order of the Eagles Lisbon 2216, the Boardman Rotary Club, The New Lisbon Presbyterian Church Deacons and Maureen Crawford for your generous financial support of this project and production.

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